Thursday, April 24, 2008

The "devil's advocate" strikes again

If you are ever looking for an example of how some lawyers can be evil, Jaques Verges (aka "the devil's advocate") would be a good one. Policymakers and activists often say "who could possibly defend crimes like genocide." Clearly, Verges can. After already representing Nazi Gestapo officer Klau Barbie, Venezuelan terrorist Carlos the Jackal ("the world's most notorious terrorist"), former Yugoslav president and genocidaire Slobodan Milsosevic, and at times even Saddam Hussein and co.; Verges has now moved on to Cambodia to defend Khieu Samphan, an ex-official of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, who has been charged of crimes against humanity. A New York Times article reports how Verges and Samphan actually knew each"since they both were active in left-wing student activities in Paris in the 1950s." Might make sense since he further claims to have been friends with Pol Pot, himself. Good god.

After finding that none of his documents were translated in French, Verges erupted and caused quite the scene at the Special Tribunal for Cambodia. The judges recommended that Samphan seek a new attorney. The Special Tribunal for Cambodia are currently in the midst of initial proceedings in the cases of five former Khmer Rouge leaders, including Samphan.

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